Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day Dream Poem

Mr Werder thinks I'm reading...

But, I'm sunbathing in Madagascar with
the wild wind blowing sand all over my
sweating face.

However, I'm actually wrestling five
thousand hypo snakes in the middle of
freezing Antarctica.

But, I'm certain that I'm bouncing on
an immense pogo stick trying to beat the
world's fastest people ever!!!

Mr Werder thinks I'm listening...

But, I'm positive that I'm swimming with
a swarm of grumpy bees in a pool of melted
honey, aaah!!!

However, I'm shipwrecked on a deserted
island with no one to comfort me.

But, I'm actually fighting the New Zealand
Bank because I want my wages of five
million dollars!!!


By Olivia

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