Friday, September 23, 2011

Our Treasures...Our Taonga!

Ahakoa he iti he pounamu
Although it is small, it is greenstone

Room 15 children have been busy making pounamu and prayer stones. We have been discussing the important links to our concept of ‘taonga’ and how they can be a sacred treasure. A pounamu is a humble way to deliver a small gift. The word pounamu stands as a metaphor for something precious or a treasure from the heart. Prayer stones are a way for humans to give physical expression to the aspirations of a prayer. Texts of sacred words, phrases and symbols are frequently etched, scribed, painted, or drawn on them. They may be simple rocks with words such as peace, love, kindness, kia kaha, etched or drawn on them. We will use our prayer stones to help us pray for those in need.

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1 comment:

  1. Cool Taonga's and Prayerstones Rm15.From Hunter.
