Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our Special Taonga

A Taonga is a sacred treasure (such as an heirloom), a gift from God (such as our talents), anything that has its own intrinsic tapu because of its connection to God (such as land, water, sky and church sacred objects). All people are taonga as we are all tapu and come from God. Family histories, whakapapa and Te Reo Maori are all considered taonga.
Another aspect of this definition states, "special things like teddies or jewellery are precious treasures, but that does not make them taonga". What are your views on this and if you think such objects are 'taonga' or 'treasure?' Enjoy our taonga images from Room 15 tamariki.


  1. Awesome movie Room 15

  2. Hey, that was the best movie I have ever seen in the Blog! AMAZING!!!!
