These are a few bits and pieces that different children have completed over the year. Enjoy!
Whangarei, New Zealand
Towards the end of last term, the children used art pencils to sketch farm implements. They had to closely look at their photo and try to replicate it. Using their pencils, they had to use varying degrees of shade to change its composition. The art they produced was amazing!!!
Our ‘imagine’ immersion week began with a ‘Wild Hair Day’ where children were able to display their hair in a wild and freaky way. The teachers, teacher aides and even Mr McKernan (as Max), dressed up as monsters to the theme of the famous children’s imaginative story, ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ It was a humorous assembly and was enjoyed by all-including the monsters!!!
Harae mai to Term 4! For the first two weeks of this term, we are studying ‘Confident Kids.’ This unit provides practical safety skills for children in their interaction with other people, when out and about and when with people they know. After this unit, we will be focusing on ‘imagine.’ It is an integrated topic, with an English and Arts flavour. In Week Three, the ‘imagine immersion’ activities will begin, these will include: a wild rumpus day, a wild hair day and finally, teachers swapping classrooms and reading ‘imaginative books.’ Don’t forget rosary for the month of October. God bless.